Monday 24 February 2014

Argh - what happened to my edited video - by Ben

So as part of our trying to almagamate and increase our online presence we'd hoped to kind of alternate between blogs and vidoes so we'd be making one release a week.


On the video front the plan was/techincally still is to switch between Helen's videos on what ever (such as the Valentines makeup a couple of weeks ago) and ones driven by me to do with gaming.

With all this in mind we sat down the other weekend to try a new boardgame and filmed ourselves playing it. After messing about to get a decent camera angle - and having to clear space on our phones to enable us to record it all (must get a camera), this actually proved to be the easier part of the whole process.

I had a couple of days off last week and sat down to edit the video, and get it up on our YouTube channel. All seemed to go well. I was almost finished when I lost it all - not sure what I did, I know I didn't have the Air plugged in - but normaly this wouldn't lose my work even if it does shut down. For some reason on this occasion it did.

However I do still have all the footage - I just need to re-edit it and do a voiceover explaining what's going on.

So a new gaming vidoe (our first in fact) will appear soon, and we'll be play Medieval Mastery - a board game I picked up from Chronicle City at either Indiecon or Conception a couple of years ago.

In the meantime Keep Gaming


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